Opus Logo

Production digitization workflow software

Book Stack

One Product...
8 Exceptional Advancements

  • Superior Image Treatment... Designed for Projects and Archival
  • Fully Integrated Hierarchical Metadata Capture
  • Next Generation Workflow with Automatic Archive
  • Open RAID Digital Archiving & Migration Management Software using Automated Data Migration Facility
  • Customizable output formats including Web
    with virtual 3D page turning
  • Enlightened Architecture
  • Supported by experienced digital experts
  • Creation of large amounts of derivatives unattended (e.g. overnight)

A New Era in Digitization

Get into the game with Opus! Long have the complexity and high startup and operating costs of digitization projects kept most libraries, museums and archives on the sidelines. Opus leverages today's high performance, low-cost computers to obliterate those barriers with its paint-by-numbers digitization system that produces the highest quality digital collections possible at less than 1/3 historic startup and operating costs. In as little as one day, Digital Library Systems Group (DLSG) installation and training staff will leave you with a fully operational digitization system. Follow on training sessions via the Web ensure that your staff is producing multiple beautiful digital books per day in no time, complete with hierarchical metadata.

With the new low prices and high-performance of the latest book scanning hardware, complete digitization labs are surprisingly affordable.

The digital archives that Opus creates can be accessed without proprietary software. Using its Compose Collection and Create Collection capabilities, Opus can create an unlimited number of digital collections in nearly unlimited formats (derivatives) any time in the future. Simply select the desired volumes and data formats and let Opus create your collection(s) unattended overnight.

Opus' automated data migration facility makes it easy to transfer multiple copies of your digital archive to new media every three to five years, ensuring that no data is ever lost. In addition, during data migration, Opus will automatically convert from outdated data formats to any new standards that might emerge in the future.

Opus Digitization Workflow System

A Complete Turnkey System that's Built for Non-Technologists

The Define stage locks object-level metadata to each volume prior to scanning via a barcode tracking sheet that is kept with the volume. The scan operator simply scans the tracking sheet, then the volume. Metadata templates can also be selected in this stage.
The Scan stage supports virtually every type of scanner at the highest quality possible, including ultra-large scanners that produce ultra large, multi-gigabyte images.
Raw Archive
The first Opus Archive stage automatically archives raw, unmodified images prior to any image treatment. Image treatment can be performed at any time in the future with different parameters and new algorithms.
Auto IT
The Automatic Image treatment stage can determine book skew, create consistent margins, eliminate book curve, fan and gutter, and smooth backgrounds. Opus Image treatment functions are not limited by file size.
Manual IT
The Manual Image treatment stage provides for careful, quick review of each image for scan quality and auto-image treatment results. Bad scans are flagged for rescan, and image treatment problems are corrected with its very easy, efficient graphical interface.
Treated Image Archive
The second Opus Archive stage automatically archives images treated by the prior two stages. Multiple versions of treated images can be maintained.
Auto Metadata Capture
The Automatic metadata capture stage captures metadata that was specified in the metadata template, stores it in a nonproprietary XML format and passes it to the Manual Metadata Entry stage.
Manual Metadata Entry
This stage provides an intuitive hierarchical graphical interface for entering the metadata specified in the object's template, from object level to page and sub-page level, with an unlimited number of elements at each hierarchical level.
Metadata Archive
The third and final Opus Archive stage automatically archives the captured and keyed metadata in a non-proprietary format. Whenever objects are output by the Compose and Create stages, the metadata is transformed to the desired output format.
The Compose stage allows unlimited numbers of digital collections to be exported repeatedly with different image and metadata specifications. Each digital collection can include any number of objects from the archive. Format, size, clarity and metadata can vary widely.
This stage provides unattended output of entire digital collections comprising many volumes. Since image resizing, etc. can be very time intensive, this stage can be performed overnight.
Opus Digitization Workflow System Opus Digitization Workflow System

A New Era in Digitization

Workflow Manager

Opus Workflow Manager completely manages all objects throughout the entire digitization process while allowing third party software to be used where desired; provides tools for monitoring all objects as they move through the digitization workflow system to make managing projects and scheduling workers a breeze; and minimizes the cost of rework, whether it be skipped or improperly performed work, or even a change in the fundamental rules governing a digitization project.

Integrated Hierarchical Metadata Capture

Opus' Metadata Capture stages are not part of any digital collection viewing software, but instead are built seamlessly into the Opus digitization workflow system. The Opus Metadata Capture stages allow users to select from a list of standard hierarchical metadata templates, create new ones and restrict users to a subset of templates for a given project. The templates include metadata characteristics like requiring certain metadata to be captured, allowing some types of metadata to be repeated and requiring a single value for other types.

State-of-the-Art Customizable Output Derivatives and Formats

Opus' Create Collection stage provides output that can be imported into open source and proprietary content management and digital library systems. Storage and internet bandwidth requirements rise as image quality rises. Opus lets the user select the ideal compromise for each access system that collections are deployed to. If requirements change, simply output the collection again with different clarity parameters.

Automated Archival

Opus adheres to the Open RAID standard. During the digitization process, there are three points at which archival is necessary: 1) archival of images immediately after scanning and before image treatment is performed; 2) archival of images after image treatment has been performed; and 3) archival of metadata after metadata has been captured. Opus creates archives that are open architecture in formats that are accessible by today's communities of users, and with the proper data migration plan, will be accessible by its future communities of users.

Data Migration Facility

Opus provides an Archive Management and Data Migration facility which is intended to be run periodically, before the possibility of any media-related data loss becomes significant and before the media or data formats become obsolete. Opus' data migration facility runs unattended. While moving the data to new media, it can convert images and/or metadata from its existing standardized formats to new standardized formats, ensuring that data is never lost and is always in a format that is accessible by its community of users.

Automatic and Manual Image Treatment

Opus completely automates the Image Treatment processes by separating two-up images, removing bookfold distortion, fan, gutter, and skew; all in a single operation. Opus also provides a streamlined graphical interface to manually perform the specialized image treatment functions required for both digital preservation and the various types of access.

Digital Collection Web Site Creator

Opus provides Web-ready output that allows viewers to select a volume, open it and navigate from section to section and from page to page. A lifelike 3-D virtual page turning experience is provided as well. Opus creates the image files, downloadable PDFs, HTML, etc. including an entry point file called default. html and places them in a folder. To deploy a Web-ready digital collection, simply place the contents of the folder created by Opus on a Web site server and link the default.html file to an existing Web page. A thousand-book collection can be deployed in little more than the time it takes to copy the data.

Enlightened Architecture

The Opus architecture originates from a clear understanding of the core purposes of each element of digitization and access systems. In the book publishing business, rarely are books manufactured in the stores that sell them. Not only is manufacturing separate from retail, but distributors exist to attend to the specific needs of each of their stores while providing a simple, consolidated relationship with book manufacturers. In some cases, distributors provide warehousing services and in other cases, product warehousing is performed by the manufacturer. Opus serves as the manufacturer, warehouse and distributor.


  • Controls scanners and groups images into objects
  • Automatically archives raw scanned images
  • Automatically separates two-up images, removes bookfold distortion, fan, gutter, skew and other undesirable artifacts of digitization
  • Allows manual review and adjustment of automatic image treatment results
  • Supports third-party image editing software (e.g. Photoshop)
  • Automatically archives treated images
  • Automatically captures hierarchical metadata
  • Allows manual review, adjustment of automatically captured hierarchical metadata and manual keying of additional hierarchical metadata
  • Automatically archives hierarchical metadata
  • Unlimited numbers of archive volume storage units
  • Automates data migration
  • Data Migration to new formats as they evolve
  • Allows an unlimited number of collections to be composed from an archive
  • Outputs an unlimited variety of image and metadata derivatives in a wide variety of formats
  • Creates complete, ready-to-go digital library Web sites with virtual 3-D page turning
  • Displays real-time workflow status changes
  • Provides easy, real-time tracking of objects as they are processed through the workflow
  • Supports multiple predefined as well as custom image treatment templates
  • Supports multiple predefined as well as custom metadata capture templates
  • Supports multiple workflow workstations
  • Allows for multiple metadata capture sets to be collected for each object
  • Allows for the reprocessing of objects under new or different image treatment algorithms without requiring the object to be rescanned

Opus Image Treatment

Opus takes the tedium out of image treatment by providing users with an interface that is wholly dedicated to processing images for archive, preservation and access. Even problem images can be fully processed in seconds. Prior to manually reviewing and adjusting images, Opus performs image treatment functions automatically. If any automatic image treatment function requires additional adjustment, Opus allows the user to graphically 'assist' Opus and make adjustments in seconds.

Skewed, skew corrected, cropped image

Automatic image treatment removes skew, adjusts the border, and eliminates fan and gutter. The treated image may be further refined by manual treatment.

Curvature correct

Book curvature produced from scanning tightly bound books may be realigned using Opus' sophisticated book curve correction tool. Text and photos are returned to their original alignment and orientation.

WorkFLow Light correction

Opus allows for the output of a large variety of derivatives. Controlling thresh hold optimizes the clarity for each type of derivative which, in turn, produces the highest quality image for that output request.

Delete artifacts

Artifacts of all types may be removed from an image while retaining the underlying variations in shading. Fingers, blemishes, stains or even handwritten notes may all be removed to produce an image that closely resembles the original. Opus enables you to publish both the treated and untreated image.

Invert color on pages

Photostats and negatives are easily inverted revealing an otherwise unreadable document.

Opus Collection Composer

The first nine stages of Opus create normalized digital masters. The Opus Compose Collection facility withdraws objects from the stored normalized digital masters and publishes them to their final destination(s).

Digitize settings

Composing collections couldn't be easier. Select the digital volumes that comprise the desired digital collection in minutes with Opus Collection Composer. Simply name the collection and begin adding objects by browsing the digital archives managed by Opus. A simple click of the mouse adds a volume to the collection.

Digital archives are reusable assets, especially when managed by Opus. Once you have created your archive, you can use it anytime to compose and automatically create new and different collections, course curriculum materials, etc. Online digital content and print-on-demand add to the many digital formats.

Opus Output: Image Derivatives & Metadata

Opus has a library of script files for common XML, flat file and other output formats for the metadata and associated images of digital objects (e.g. METS, MODS, Dublin Core).This script library is expandable with an unlimited number of custom formats. In addition to selecting the desired output format(s) for the metadata , the clarity , size and output formats of the images can be specified (e.g TIFF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, etc.).

DLSG staff technicians can assist in modifying existing formats and creating new custom output formats.

The most exciting and immediately usable format that Opus creates is a Web-ready output that provides the experience of browsing the virtual stacks, selecting a digital book, opening it and turning the pages; as DLSG staff though the printed book were in front of you.

PDF output

One of Opus' most popular file format outputs of the images is PDF and PDF/A. Opus Image Treatment function publishes PDF images with consistent sizes. When coupled with Opus metadata output the PDF is presented with bookmarks hyperlinked to the section within the images, making content search extraordinarily easy. Opus' OCR function adds full text search giving the user the ultimate search tool.

* CONTENTdm is a trademark of OCLC
SharePoint is a trademark of MicroSoft Corporation
DSpace is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PDF and PDF/A are trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc.

BookEdge Scanner

These days students entering college are highly educated regarding all things digital. They absolutely demand digital technology as an integral part of their library experience. KIC self-serve scanning systems make your entire library collection accessible in digital form.

The KIC BookEdge with integrated furniture and touch screen is a wonderful way to offer students digital access to your entire library. It's simple two-button interface makes it very approachable, even by technically timid students. It's low price, sleek design, and small 2x2' foot print make KIC BookEdge a very practical entry-level self-serve scanning solution for any library.

The KIC BookEdge is the perfect choice for student walk-up scanning and copying in areas where space is a premium. It makes entire library collections available in digital form. The KIC BookEdge's clever design allows users to scan pages right up to the bound margin near the spine, without damaging books. The KIC BookEdge produces beautiful, full-color images at no additional cost over black & white images! Even searchable PDF's and text-to-speech (MP3 files) are a snap to create.

The KIC BookEdge was specifically designed to occupy the same space as a typical floor-standing photocopier. Replacing outmoded copiers in academic and research libraries is easy with KIC BookEdge's modern scanning, printing and interactive computerized touch screen technology. With the addition of a color laser printer, the KIC BookEdge provides the functionality of a color copier at a fraction of the cost.


  • True-2-Touch™ 2-button user interface
  • Integrated Furniture
  • Small Footprint - 2 x 2 feet
  • Sleek Design
  • 23" Touch Screen with Adjustable Tilt
  • Low Price
  • BookEdge Scan Bed Design
  • 17" x 11.8" Scan Bed


  • Scan/copy up to 12x17 inch pages with a book-edge scanner that captures deep into the book-fold of books and bound serials
  • Create full color electronic images and/or paper copies with a single touch
  • Review large electronic images at nearly full-size before printing copies
  • Electronically collate and print copies
  • Create searchable PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and editable text files
  • Create audio files from text for MP3 players, including iPods
  • Create, collate, and print reports with title pages and style templates
  • Go 'green'. Promote minimal use of paper and ink.
  • Charge for prints, not for images
Document Formats
Autoformat Size Recognition 17 x 11.8 inches (432 x 300 mm)
DIN Formats DIN A5 to DIN A3
US ANSI Formats Legal, Letter
User defined Formats Autoformat w/edge recognition
Document Specification
Optical Resolution 600 dpi (max)
Performance Specification
Scan Speed (8.5" x 11" book) 5.0 seconds for full bed at 200 dpi
8.5 seconds for full bed at 600 dpi
Scan Speed (full bed) 6.2 seconds for full bed at 200 dpi
23.4 seconds for full bed at 600 dpi
Technical Specifications
Output Color Depth 24 bit color, 8 Bit gray scale
File Formats PDF, Searchable PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, MP3 audio (text-to-speech)
Digital File Interfaces USB 2.0, email, FTP, file folder (for library staff only)
Image Treatment Functions Split pages (left & right)
Change brightness/contrast
Change resolutions (dpi)
Select: color, grayscale, or B&W
Scanner Interface Hi-Speed USB 2.0
Light Source KIC BookEdge - Cold cathode fluorescent
KIC BookEdge Plus - White LED
Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions of Scanner (H x W x D) 31 x 25 x 15" (787.4 x 625 x 381 mm),
59 x 26.5 x 23" (1498.6 x 660.4 x 584.2 mm) with optional stand
Weight of Scanner 30 lbs,
114 lbs with optional stand
Electrical Specifications
Power Consumption 50W Stand-by / 127W Operation (printer not included)
Options and Functions
Printer Interface 10/100/1000 megabit Ethernet or USB 2.0
Printed Output Formats 8.5 x 11", 11 x 17", simplex, duplex, color & monochrome (printer not included)

PC Requirements

  • AMD Athlon™ II Dual Core 1MB
  • Windows 7 Professional 64Bit
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM
  • Maximum Size (HxDxW) 3.4 x 7.8 x 7.8"
  • 1 Ethernet port
  • CD Reader
  • 256 MB minimum / 512 MB optimal graphics card that supports DVI, VGA or HDMI
Compliance Logo EN

ENERGY STAR qualified products and practices help you save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Compliance Logo Celtlus

The cETLus Listing Mark is used for products going into the Canadian and US markets. Products with the cETLus mark have been examined and have passed tests determining compliance with device safety requirements. The standards for IT-equipment are UL 60950 for the US market and CSA.C22.2 No 60950 for the Canadian market.

Compliance Logo CE

The CE mark, meaning "European Conformity", formerly EC mark, is a mandatory conformity mark for products placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA). With the CE marking on a product the manufacturer ensures that the product conforms with the essential requirements of the applicable EC directives.

Compliance Logo FCC

The FCC Declaration of Conformity or the FCC mark is a certification mark employed on electronic products manufactured or sold in the United States which certifies that the electromagnetic interference from the device is under limits approved by the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC label is found even on products sold outside the US territory, because they are either products manufactured in the US and had been exported, or they were manufactured in other nations which have US as a prime market (eg: Japan, China). This makes the FCC label recognizable worldwide even to people to whom the name of the agency Federal Communications Commission is not familiar.

Compliance Logo WEEE

DE 15679937
WEEE is the European Community directive 2002/96/EC on waste for electrical and electronic equipment which, together with the RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, became European Law in February 2003, setting collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods.

Compliance Logo ROHS

This device is in compliance with the requirements of RoHS-guidelines (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.)