• Tipasa
  • Article Exchange
  • ILLiad/Odyssey
  • Email
  • FTP
  • Clio

Complete Interlibrary Loan Scanning

and Image Treatment Workflow System

Complete Interlibrary Loan Scanning and Image Treatment Workflow System

... better image quality, fewer errors, and easier operation

In the early days of digital interlibrary loan and digital document delivery, the available software was simple and image quality expectations of requestors were low. Times have changed. The demand for faster workflow delivery and perfect, printer-ready images has made the current software environment complex, creating significant challenges in training new employees. BSCAN ILL simplifies existing processes and produces perfect, printer-ready images.

BSCAN ILL starts by eliminating the need to manually enter requestor information. BSCAN ILL automatically reads the information that is required by interlibrary loan BSCAN Interface BSCAN Interface BSCAN Interface document delivery software from scanned pull slips, not only saving time but also eliminating human error.

Articles are scanned using one of a family of high speed face-up scanners: Click Mini, Click, and Bookeye 4 V3, V2 & V1. By eliminating the constant book flipping required by flatbed scanners, these face-up scanners are three to five times faster than the fastest face-down scanners, and they do not cause book spine damage. For low volume ILL operations, BSCAN ILL also runs BookEdge flatbed scanners, employing their book edge feature and a faster mode that scans two pages at a time.

Once articles are scanned, BSCAN ILL's powerful image treatment capabilities automatically eliminate skew and remove unwanted black borders, fan and gutter.

Finally, BSCAN ILL automatically sends requests through Tipasa, ILLiad/Odyssey, Ariel, RAPID, Clio, Article Exchange, FTP, and e-mail and can notify ILLiad/Odyssey in each case, all without any need for further human intervention. Resending articles is also a snap.

BSCAN Customer
If you could...

...add Digital Document Delivery services for as little as $2,000 per year, would you?

...cut your ILL scanning time in half for less than $2,000 per year, and in half again for $500 more, would you?

...simplify your digitization process, reduce worker training time, produce clean, straight print-ready images every time for $2,000 per year, would you?

What if you could do all this plus eliminate keying the requestor info, automatically deliver articles, resend requests days later if a delivery failure occurs, and operate seamlessly with all other ILL software and systems (e.g. Tipasa, Article Exchange, ILLiad/Odyssey, Clio, Ariel, FTP & email)?

...would you?

Dramatically Improves ILL Digitization

A fundamental tenet that has always bound the academic research community together is open sharing of newfound knowledge. Today, this open sharing is going on at a feverish pace and digital interlibrary loan services are an essential vehicle. Scholars from all fields are becoming increasingly dependent on their ability to acquire journal articles in just one day.

In the early 1990s, the pioneers of interlibrary loan digitization had no choice but to adapt commercial scanning equipment to meet their needs. Ariel was the only available document delivery software and there were no scanners made specifically for scanning books, journals and maps. Over time, that changed. Planetary scanners became available in the late 1990s. The first release of BSCAN ILL automatically read (using OCR) the requestor information from pull slips without manual keying, supported rapid scanning and image cleanup, and automatically posted to Ariel with the press of a single button. Since then, ILLiad, Odyssey, Ariel, RAPID, Clio and Article Exchange have been integrated into BSCAN ILL with the same hands-off automation. BSCAN ILL has a host of valuable features, many of which are not available with any other system.

In addition to allowing review of electronic articles and resource sharing to reduce per article scanning costs (e.g. for archival, electronic course materials creation, scanning projects), only BSCAN ILL offers you:

  • One easy user interface, integrated seamlessly with Tipasa, Article Exchange, ILLiad/Odyssey, RAPID, Ariel, Clio, FTP & Email - reduces training time significantly
  • Optimized for the latest technology in face-up scanners, including all Bookeye models, Click, Click Mini, and face-down scanners such as BookEdge and WideTEK 25
  • Automatically reading of requestor information from pull slips
  • Automatically sending without intervention by the scan operator
  • Central management with central, portable and remote scanning
  • Automatic hold of all scanned articles for up to 30 days for fast correcting and easy resending
  • Automatic updating of ILLiad/Odyssey, even if the request was delivered by another means such as Tipasa, Ariel, Clio, FTP or email
  • Automatic image cleanup and output of 'printer-ready' images

Your Choice: Scan Face-Down or Face-Up

Faster is also Easier

Face-up book scanning is far easier on both patrons and books and quite a bit faster than face-down scanning.

Scanning books face-up makes it much easier to keep track of what pages you've scanned. With KIC Click, Click Mini and other face-up scanners, books stay face up, so you can see what you're scanning as you scan it. This extra visibility eliminates the age old problem of skipping pages and scanning pages out of order which can occur with face-down scanners.

The following photo sequences show the reason that face-down scanning system are typically 1/3 the speed of face-up systems. The book flipping necessary to scan a book on a face-down scanner like the KIC BookEdge is shown in the photo sequence below. It's a workout both for the book and the patron.

The ergonomic design of the face-up scanning systems involves only the basic movement required to set a book down and turn a page.


Face-Down Capture [a seven-step procedure]

Face Down a seven-step procedure
KIC Scanners

Face-Up Capture [a two-step procedure ]

Face Up
a two-step procedure

The sequence above shows just how much work is required to use a face-down scanner to scan multiple pages.

In contrast, the sequence on the left shows the relative speed and ease of face-up scanning systems that do not require the user to flip over the book being scanned. Once placing the book, the user simply turns pages and presses the scan button (or foot pedal) to scan two pages at a time.

Seven Complete Configurations to Choose From

BSCAN ILL can be purchased separately or as a complete system
with the following exceptional book digitization equipment

Model Bookeye 4V1 Preview Bookeye 4 V1 Bookeye 4V2 Preview Bookeye 4 V2 WideTEK Preview WideTEK 25-600 Bookeye 4V3 Preview Bookeye 4 V3 Click Preview Click ClickMini Preview Click Mini BookEdge Preview BookEdge
Max Scan Area
33.5 x 25"
Scan Area
24.4 x 18"
Scan Area
25 x 18.5"
Scan Area
18.9 x 15.3"
Scan Area
22 x 16"
Scan Area
19.2 x 12.3"
Scan Area
17 x 11.8"
Scan Area
Bound Volume Scanning Speed in Pages Per Minute
22 PPM
Pages Per Minute
24 PPM
Pages Per Minute
10 PPM
Pages Per Minute
30 PPM
Pages Per Minute
20 PPM
Pages Per Minute
40 PPM
Pages Per Minute
Pages Per Minute
Resource Sharing:
- -
Project & Course
Material Creation

Three Things You Should Know About ILL Digitization Equipment



All of the systems that DLSG bundles with BSCAN ILL are quite fast, but our face up scanners are the fastest. By eliminating the need to flip the volume repeatedly, our face-up scanners are up to 5 times faster than the fastest face-down scanners.



Digitization for ILL and digital document de- livery are production processes. It is impor- tant that they be backed by a reliable vendor team, and Image Access has an unmatched service and support record.


Never Fail an Article Request Again

Bookeye Method

Bookeyes follow the natural curve of the book when they scan. Good lighting is essential for good scanning, and Bookeye 4 scanners employ two white LED light bars that sweep across the material.

Bookeye 4V2
Bookeye 4 with optional display monitor on neck.

Click Method

Click captures the left and right pages with two separate cameras positioned at ideal angles. An array of 420 individually aimed white LED lights produce bright, evenly distrib- uted illumination from above and behind the scan bed, thus avoiding reflection.


BookEdge Method

The BookEdge is a flatbed scanner with a specialized feature that easily captures close into the bookfold without damaging the spine.


BSCAN ILL Capture Workflow

Improves Quality & Performance, Reduces Errors and Simplifies

Step 1
Identify Article & Requestor

BSCAN ILL automatically captures data directly from pull slips - less keying means fewer keying errors.

BSCAN ILL reads the requestor's name, the delivery method, and IP address from the pull slip and uses this information to automatically route the electronic document to the appropriate document delivery software. After the article is sent, BSCAN ILL updates your document delivery software automatically. No extra keystrokes are necessary.

Scan Article

Scan two pages at a time, using the keyboard to delete unwanted pages. An optional foot pedal is available for even faster scanning. Once scanned, the article is passed to the automatic image treatment stage.

Step 2
Step 3
Automatic Image Treatment

BSCAN ILL automatically locates the content on each page, clips the content, creates a preset margin for consistency, and deskews and corrects curvature when necessary. When completed, the treated article images are passed on to the manual review stage.

Manual Review & Correction

This stage can be run after each article is scanned, or for greater efficiency, several articles can be scanned in sequence, automatically treated, queued up in this stage and reviewed at one time.

Step 4
Send & Route

Each article is automatically sent via the delivery method specified. If an ILL department is using ILLiad and Odyssey to track completion and perform billing-related operations, BSCAN ILL can be config- ured to notify Odyssey that the article was sent even if it wasn't sent by Odyssey.


BSCAN ILL is capable of storing articles for a configurable number of days after they're sent. If an article must be resent, it can be opened and sent right away or be edited first, for example by adding or deleting pages.

Great Image Quality and Great Efficiency

Deliver 'Print-ready' Images to Journal Article Requestors Faster than Ever

raw results
raw results

Face up scanners minimize book jockeying. Fast face-up scanners like those offered by DLSG with BSCAN ILL are 3-5 times faster than the fastest face-down scanners and photocopiers. And unlike face-down scanners and copiers, DLSG scanners are designed to capture deep into the book fold, flatten book curve, split images into two pages and remove fan and gutter.

BookEdge is uniquely designed for scanning books and is the fastest face-down scanner in its price range. When used in book mode (one page at a time), this scanner flattens the page and captures deep into the fold of tightly bound journals. With BSCAN ILL, the BookEdge can also be used to scan 2 pages at a time, which is substantially faster than book mode. BSCAN ILL splits & flattens the pages, and eliminates fan, gutter & skew.

Older technologies like photocopiers and face-down scanners are concomitant with limitations that typically include:

  • Difficulty Capturing Content in the Book Fold
  • Significant Stress to Book Spines
  • Limit to 11x17 inch Scan Area
  • Black & White Paper Copies instead of Full-Color, Digital Copies
  • Unsightly Skew, Fan, Gutter, & Black Borders
  • Significantly Higher Cost of Operation

Resource Sharing

Share with Archivist & Digital Course Materials Creation

The exceptional image quality produced by Bookeye and WideTEK scanners affords opportunities for resource sharing with Archivists as well as use for projects and creating digital course materials. Reduce your cost per article scanned by sharing equipment costs and helping other departments to switch to digital format and get color content without the additional cost of color copiers or color microfilming.

Use some digitization projects funding to purchase the Bookeye 4 V1, V2 or V3 and dramatically reduce ILL's share of the cost of state-of-the-art scanning equipment. A complementary schedule is usually easy to agree upon. Note that while the Bookeye 4 V2's standard image quality (high quality 400dpi) meets and exceeds digitization standards, a 600dpi option can be purchased later, if desired.

old books

Go Digital & Get Color For Free

scanned pages
BSCAN ILL automatically locates the content and sets consistent margins, removes fan, gutter and black edges - and even deskews the image.
scanned pages
Avoid the poor results that photocopiers & microfilming too often produce.

The Amazing Image Quality of the Bookeye 4 V2 600dpi Option

With its 600dpi option, Bookeye 4 V2 produces the highest quality A2 size (17x25'') images
of any face-up scanner today

To capture moving objects, digital cameras must use array CCDs, which capture all parts of the object at the same instant. Affordable digital cameras have 50 megapixels or less. And those pixels must be further divided into red, green and blue sub-pixels, which can reduce the clarity of color images by 40%.

color images
The Bayer Pattern is used by digital cameras to capture color images

Since books don't move while being scanned, Bookeyes employ linear CCD technology to produce ultra-clear images with astounding 140 megapixels. Each pixel in a linear CCD includes full red, green and blue sub-pixels.

rgb color

Scanners use linear CCDs. The sweep- ing action of scanners allow them to capture the precise amount of red, blue and green for each pixel.

Bookeye 4 scanners utilize a unique state-of-the-art rotating mirror system that dramatically reduces clarity loss at the corners of the image due to the limitations of lens systems. Bookeyes can also scan in V-mode or flat-mode, and they scan from left to right, allowing them to follow the curves of the book.

Resize ILL Operations with No Penalty

DLSG's exclusive trade-up, interchange and re-purpose programs are among
the best reasons to choose DLSG for your institution's digitization needs

scale ILL up & scale ILL down
Comments from Users

"We depend on BSCAN ILL to speed up our processing, and we consider it a necessity for ILL operation."
-- Arizona State University

"Our ILL Department is practically based on our BSCAN ILL with Bookeye scanner. We love this product!"
-- University of Memphis

"We love BSCAN ILL and how it automatically sends out articles to users."
-- University of Denver

"I'm very impressed with BSCAN ILL. We have increased our productivity, and what took four hours in the past now takes just 1 hour, and we're very happy about that!"
-- Midwest State University

Premium Maintenance Plan

Image Access has an unmatched service and support record. It is impossible to affordably provide service personnel living in every city and town across America that are highly trained on the very special technologies needed by libraries. Instead, DLSG designs remote serviceability into its products and has perfected remote diagnosis and when possible, repair.

world map world map The resulting savings allows DLSG to frequently and promptly provide loaner/swap-out equipment and to go on site whenever necessary to maintain and repair equipment, minimizing interruptions in service.

WideTEK® 25 Scanner

WideTEK® Wide Format Flatbed for All Markets

The new WideTEK 25 wide format flatbed scanner is the fully re-engineered successor to the WideTEK A2. Doubling the optical resolution, while offering the higher scanning speed, guarantees an excellent image output. The WideTEK 25 can scan just about anything: from business cards to diagrams in A2 format, books, newspapers, maps, bound documents and more. The scanner needs only three seconds to scan the largest format.

Nearly all functions can be executed directly at the scanner via the integrated touch screen. Using the touch screen display, up to 30 different (password protected) jobs can be defined and stored. This allows operators to create and store templates and choose any predefined location on one of the network drives as a target for the scanned images.

The integrated walk-up scanning software makes the scanner a truly shared device. It allows the user to scan and send images to a specific destination such as a network printer, any directory in the network, or to a USB stick; without having to work with a client PC. Simply walk up, scan and store or send the image, all through the use of the touch screen.

A further innovative feature of the WideTEK 25: All optical components are encapsulated in a hermetically sealed camera box, making it not only dust-free but also very low maintenance. Cleaning the mirrors and the mechanics is no longer required. State of the art illumination using bright white LEDs guarantees long lifetime (50,000 hour lifetime) and excellent scan results at a very low noise level in spite of its high speed.

The WideTEK 25 guarantees results at production scanning speeds for high throughput while delivering images in brilliant colors.

Key Features of WideTEK® 25

  • Compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Unix
  • Comfortable operation via touch screen or web browser
  • The rotation while scanning and the position-correct output facilitate further processing
  • Print on any network printer
  • Remote maintenance and analysis

For demanding applications in a wide range of markets

  • Newspapers, periodicals, tabloids, catalogs and magazines
  • Books
  • Bound and stapled documents
  • Maps e.g. road maps and street maps
  • Photographs
  • Drafts on paper board as e.g. graphical designs, advertisements

More Features

High Speed Scanning: Image Access scanners always run at rated speeds regardless of how powerful your computer is. We do a full scan into the scanner memory at full speed, without any stops. We're the only scanner company that does that. Only the time between scanning and output are dependent upon the transfer speed of the network and the computer, and even our transfer rate is twice as fast as competing products because data is transferred to your workstation at 1 Gigabit speeds, while other scanners use significantly slower transfer rates (1/2 Gigabit or less). Learn More

Works Well With Others: Works Well With Others: Create JPEG, PDF (both searchable and image-only), or TIFF file formats and email or save to USB or network (PC, server, FTP).

Easy to Use: Single button scanning, optional foot pedal, built in touch display.

Great Durability: WideTEK's metal casing resists scratches and dents, and its hermetically sealed optical components translate to less maintenance. We've even designed the case so that it works only with the WideTEK's tools that ship with each unit.

High Duty Cycle: WideTEK scanners are designed for high-volume, professional use. Their duty cycles far exceed that of desktop scanners.

Minimal Space: WideTEK's footprint isn't much larger than the maximum paper width it scans. With a footprint of only 40.4 x 30.8 inches, it takes surprisingly little space for full- scale operation.

Clear, Crisp, Colorful Scans: Fast scanning in B&W, gray scale and color, high-quality resolution of up to 1200 by 600 dpi. WideTEK's optics include multiple CCD arrays sealed in an airtight camera box for dust-free and quiet operation. We've made it our business for over 15 years now to be experts in image resolution, and since there is some confusion among users regarding this matter, we've provided a white paper that debunks some longstanding myths. Learn More

State of the Art Illumination: State of the Art Illumination: WideTEK's bright white LED illumination lasts significantly longer than other lighting systems. LED lights also consume less power and produce far less heat.

Easy Setup: WideTEK scanners connect over your network using standard IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and can be operated by a standard browser without drivers or add-on cards.

No Warm Up Time: WideTEK scanners are ready to scan anytime you are. Other scanners can require several minutes to warm up before use.

Room to Grow: Firmware upgrades are available online and are directly downloadable to the WideTEK using a standard browser.

Environmentally Responsible: We all know that scanning and saving images to email, USB, etc., rather than photocopying or printing saves paper and toner, but it's hard to get a feel for just how much savings are likely.

Remote Scanner Management: Remote Scanner Management: You're in full control from any browser. Change any and all scanner settings remotely or using WideTEK's built-in touch screen.

User Statistics Monitoring: WideTEK lets you manage and monitor the usage, statistics and settings of each scanner you own. The reports are automatically uploaded and available online from your web browser.

Document Formats
Autoformat Size Recognition Yes, Crop & Deskew
DIN Formats DIN A5 - DIN A2
ANSI Format Legal, US C
User defined Formats Yes
Document Specification
Maximum Document Size 25 x 18.5 inch (635 x 470 mm)
Scan Width Up to 25 inches (635 mm)
Scan Length Up to 17.7 inches (450 mm)
Resolution 1200 x 1200 dpi (optionally 9600 x 9600 dpi interpolated)
Optical Resolution 600 x 1200 dpi
Performance Specification
Scan Speed (24 bit, full bed) 300 dpi - 4.5 seconds
600 dpi - 8.2 seconds
Technical Specifications
Color Depth 36 bit color, 12 Bit gray scale
Scan Output 24 bit color, 8 bit gray scale, bitonal, photo mode
File Formats JPEG, PNM, TIFF, TIFF G4 (CCITT), PDF (optional)
Interface 1 GBit Fast Ethernet with TCP/IP
Camera 2x CCD camera, 22,800 pixels
Light Source White LEDs, classificated to IEC 60825-1: class 1, no IR/UV emission
Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions of Scanner (H x W x D) 6.3 x 40.4 x 30.8 inches
Weight of Scanner 90.5 lbs
Electrical Specifications
Electrical Connection 100 - 240V AC, 50/60 Hz
Power Consumption 0.1 W (Stand-by)
90 W (Ready to scan)
105 W (Scanning)
Ambient Conditions
Operating Temperature 41 to 104° F
Relative Humidity 20 to 80 % (non-condensed)
Noise Level < 49-53 dbA (Scanning)
33 dbA (Stand-by)
Foot switch optional
Options and Functions
Software Options KIC
Opus FreeFlow
Opus WorkFlow
Hardware Options Foot pedal
Functions Digital color balance
Automatic black value
Automatic white balance
Web-based firmware updates
Compliance Logo EN

ENERGY STAR qualified products and practices help you save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Compliance Logo Celtlus

The cETLus Listing Mark is used for products going into the Canadian and US markets. Products with the cETLus mark have been examined and have passed tests determining compliance with device safety requirements. The standards for IT-equipment are UL 60950 for the US market and CSA.C22.2 No 60950 for the Canadian market.

Compliance Logo ETL EU

The ETL-EU Listing Mark is used for products going into the European market (shown by the "EU" in the mark). Products with the ETL-EU mark have been examined and successfully passed tests according the requirements for device safety. The standards for IT equipment are IEC 60950-1 and EN 60950-1, or the new standards (from 2014) IEC 62368-1 and EN 62368.

Compliance Logo CCC

The China Compulsory Certificate (CCC mark) is a compulsory safety mark for a wide range of products imported and sold in the Chinese market. It became effective on August 1, 2003, when China became a member of the WTO (World Trade Organisation). The CCC mark is required for both Chinese manufactured and foreign imported merchandise. The CCC certificate must be renewed annually as part of a follow-up certification which includes a factory audit.

Compliance Logo bis

BIS is the acronym for Bureau of Indian Standards.

Relevant safety standards for India are:

  • IS 13252-1:2010
  • IEC 60950-1

The BIS mark is a requirement for manufacturer who intend to export their products to the Indian market. Tests executed by accredited laboratories ensure that the tested device fulfils all safety relevant requirements of the above named standards.

Compliance Logo CE

2004/108/EG (Electromagnetic compatibility):

  • EN 55022:2010 Class A
  • EN 61000-3-2
  • EN 61000-3-3
  • EN 55024:2010 Criteria Class A and B
  • EN 61000-4-2
  • EN 61000-4-3
  • EN 61000-4-4
  • EN 61000-4-5
  • EN 61000-4-6
  • EN61000-4-11

2006/95/EG (Low voltage guideline):
Tested according to the following standards

  • IEC 60950-1:2005
  • IEC 62368-1:2014 (for devices tested as of 2014)
  • EN 60950-1 (European Standard)
  • UL 60950-1:2007 (US Standard)
  • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1:2007 (Canadian Standard)
    for Safety of Information Technology Equipment
Compliance Logo FCC

FCC Declaration:
FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 15
This device complies with Part 15, Class B of the FCC Rules. Operation of this product is subject to the following two conditions:

  • (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  • (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Compliance Logo WEEE

DE 15679937
WEEE is the European Community directive 2002/96/EC on waste for electrical and electronic equipment which, together with the RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, became European Law in February 2003, setting collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods.

Compliance Logo ROHS

This device is in compliance with the requirements of RoHS-guidelines (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.)