Digital Library Systems Group
Serving 80% of R1 and R2 Academic Libraries with Copyright-Compliant Print-to-Digital Alternatives to Publisher Digital Subscriptions
About Us
To create technologies that maximize utilization of scholarly content in libraries for study, research and scholarly productivity by dramatically expanding digital access to print collections content, removing inefficiencies from the research process and providing revolutionary new discovery+research+study systems while maintaining compliance with copyright law.
Opinion - The Digital Age Librarian
The role libraries and librarians play in helping their patrons find unbiased information is especially challenging in the digital age. The Web has become a powerful source of misinformation – the biggest advertising Web sites, both social and search, track each user with algorithms that maximize the time users spend viewing the advertising by identifying the content that aligns with the user’s pre-existing opinions, without regard for accuracy. Even without these algorithms, instant access to Web search results makes it all too easy for people to disregard more vetted sources of information. The $100+ billion that libraries have invested in scholarly content over decades and centuries is far more factual and independent of political or social affiliation than a majority of what is found on the Web, and unlike the Web, printed content is essentially immutable. While highly innovative new research technologies are of great value to PhD researchers, they can also empower students and the general public to find vetted and unbiased information, which can help to create an anti-misinformation movement, helping to reduce disagreements in our society to just those topics that are actually arguable.
Some library vendors try to do everything. Some try to be the best at a few things. DLSG applies its highly innovative design and engineering abilities to optimizing library utilization of copyright law exceptions and limitations, especially for optimizing digital access to the massive print collections owned by libraries and the growing wealth of open access content.
As a result, a thousand academic libraries have KIC, BSCAN ILL, Opus, Click Mini, Bookeye and WideTEK digitization systems and scanners, including 90 of the top 100 academic institutions. To facilitate adoption, DLSG products integrate with special systems such as Illiad, Odyssey, Tipasa and Relais, and with integrated library systems (ILS) via standard SIP2 protocol.
Going forward, DLSG will integrate its Digital Stacks Ecosystem with born digital content from book, monograph and journal publishers, and enhance its revolutionary HotLinks 2D Full-text SearchMATCH Discovery with Digital Mind Palace system to integrate with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies in ways that allow its human users to remain in control.
Customers Served
Student Patrons
Digital submission of printed homework, self-serve digitization of course materials, digital harvesting of print collections content, study tools for textbook content, and modern HotLinks/Mind Palace enabled concentrated collections areas
Faculty Patrons
Creation and updating of course materials using HotLinks revolutionary full-text search-match discovery to derive maximum benefit from library collections, modern Hotlinks Discovery and Mind Palace enabled concentrated collections areas
Research Patrons
Greatly enhanced discovery with integrated tools for research - HotLinks 2D Full-text SearchMATCH(TM) Discovery provides an entire new dimension beyond full-text search, with results instantly viewable while in the library, in compliance with ©-Law Title 17 § 109(c); Digital Mind Palace supports instant navigation between relevant content found with HotLinks. HotLinks contains an ever-increasing majority of open-access journal articles, and thousands of library-owned monographs can be ingested for a small fraction of their cost
Academic Libraries
Dramatically improve monograph collections utilization while freeing up space for [collaborative] study and justifying budget increases that easily cover the costs of the new services; and improve stacks maintenance efficiency
Public Libraries
Offer state-of-the-art study tools to student patrons and state-of-the-art research tools to scholars while providing digital age copier replacements to all patrons and digital reading of thousands of selected books on library-owned PCs, patron-owned notebooks, tablets and phones while patrons are in the library, in compliance with ©-Law Title 17 § 109(c)
Plug-n-play ©-Law 108 Solutions
  • KIC easy-to-use, high-speed, high-quality self-serve digitization kiosks
  • BSCAN ILL high-speed high-quality ILL and digital document delivery systems
  • Opus systems for digital archival, preservation and projects
  • High quality affordable scanners: Bookeye, Click Mini and Bookedge
Solutions that Optimize ©-Law 108
Modern HotLinks-enabled Concentrated Collections Areas (CCAs) that dramatically improve print collections utilization and bring exciting new dimension to the library
Revolutionary New Discovery
Designed especially for students, faculty and researchers, HotLinks takes entire chapters and dozens of pages of research and journal articles as input and performs full-text search-matches on a billion content pages in seconds
Digital Mind Palace
Organize, highlight, annotate and instantly navigate personal research, downloaded journal articles, relevant open access journal articles and any relevant content in the library that has been ingested into a concentrated collections area
Digital Fence
OrAllow your patrons to read thousands of popular books that your library owns the print form of, while patrons in the library, in compliance with ©-Law Title 17 § 109(c)
Digital Stacks Ecosystem
The comprehensive hybrid library solution that maximizes print collections value in the digital age
Image Access and DLSG
In 1993, founded as a digitization technology provider
In 1998, sold first Bookeye book scanner
In 2004-2005, released KIC, BSCAN ILL & Opus
In 2005, formed the DLSG division of Image Access
By 2015, DLSG serves half of students at US universities
2015-2024 invested 250,000 hours to develop DSE
2020-2021 developed CDL+ as requested by libraries
In 2024, released HotLinks with Digital Mind Palace and Digital Fence
DLSG is Your Best Value
unmatched reputation for great products and services, and modest prices, favoring value over profits – DLSG averaged 3% profits for 15 years
Most Libraries Choose DLSG
DLSG’s entirely merit-based success is undisputable – 80-95% market shares for its self-serve, ILL and Opus digitization products without help from ‘influential friends’
Maximizing Print Collections Value
DLSG is dedicated to maximizing print collections value, especially for monographs, which have become grossly underappreciated
Innovation is in Our DNA
Over the past 30 years, while university budgets have risen dramatically, the share their libraries' receive has fallen from 3-5% to around 1.5% today. Academic libraries have massive content, but they need DLSG’s transformative innovations to digitally supercharge that content and restore their value and commensurately, their budget share