DLSG.COM - Digital Library Systems Group

KIC Support

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Digital Library Systems Group

543 NW 77th Street
Boca Raton, FL. USA 33487

Telephone: (561) 886-2950 or (800) 378-5432
Fax: (561) 431-2766

Email: ServiceDepartment@DLSG.com

hybrid libraries


Great service begins with the delivery and installation of your scanner and software. Digital Library Systems Group guarantees a complete and professional installation of every product we provide. Our factory trained staff is skilled at both onsite and remote installation processes. They take the time to answer your questions and ensure your satisfaction. Our commitment can also be seen in the installation scheduling process which assures that the service is performed when and where your institution requires it.


Our technical support department has the same high standard of factory training as our installation staff. Because we only service the Bookeye and WideTEK series of scanners, we are experts at their repair. But our service doesn't end there. The support department guides you through routine maintenance and is instrumental in ensuring that you receive the latest version of firmware and software available. This department is a reflection of DLSG's Premium Annual Maintenance Agreement which gives you peace of mind knowing that all parts and labor are covered regardless of the issue.


Training assures that you receive the greatest benefit from your acquisition. Training begins with the installation and continues throughout our relationship. Onsite and webinar training may be scheduled to meet your staff's busy schedule. User Manuals are delivered in ecological friendly formats. Group training sessions are also available at the training facility in our corporate headquarters in sunny south Florida.

image of blue and silver telephone earpiece with boom microphone